Are You #ReboundReady ?

Are You #ReboundReady ?

Your #ReboundReady Checklist..

  • Start doing temperature checks with no-contact thermometers at entrances.
  • Post clear communication so visitors know the preferred processes for your facility and understand your enhanced safety measures.
  • 41148-disposable-face-maskProvide PPE like face coverings for team members, with extra on-hand for visitors.
  • Welcome guests and clients by appointment only. Update sign-in logs to include your company’s COVID-19 health statement.
  • Measure and mark six feet separations on production floors, common areas, lobbies, hallways, etc.
  • Install protective barriers between workstations that are less than six feet apart. Suspend the use of any co-working spaces.
  • Work with your maintenance staff to ensure all machines and HVAC systems are operating cleanly and efficiently.
  • P4A3A25_BIC-Sticky-Note-Adhesive-NotepadUse posters, temporary signage, stickers and magnets to reinforce healthy practices like hand washing and cough/sneeze etiquette.
  • Update incident and injury reporting procedures to include COVID-19 exposure.
  • Stagger break times, start/end times and work from home days to maintain social distancing.
  • Have scheduled times for employees to clean and sanitize workstations on every shift.
  • Post occupancy limit signs on conference rooms, training rooms and break areas. Limit any events to less than 10 people and only in spaces that can accommodate social distancing.
  • Evaluate travel policies. Consider surveying your team to gauge their comfort level with traveling for sales calls, tradeshows or industry events.
  • Provide hand sanitizer at doorways, common areas and throughout your facility.

2nd Jun 2020

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